Tuesday, February 05, 2008

T.A.G. Version ADI

Adi's version plaks.

Name 1 person who made you laughed last nite. - this could be anyone, most probably Digi punya Yellow guy.

What are you doing at 0800 today? - Tidoq.

What were you doing 30 minutes ago? Most probably tidoq. ( Is that why he's so big ? )

What happen to you in 2006? - Mula kenal mama ngan abah ngan tok ngan opah ngan maktok ngan Michik, Micha, Miyong, Mak Cho..ramai la plaks.

What was the last thing you said out loud? - Ya.

How many beverages you had today? Just two, tak air masak, susu. Occasional milo.

What color is your hairbrush? Biru putih.

What was the last thing that you paid for? - still waiting for a bill.

Where were you last night? - Rumah Opah.

What color is your front door?- Ade kaler ke ?

Where do you keep your coins? I only deal in cash.

What’s the weather like today? Apa mende tuh ?

What's the best ice cream flavor?As long as it's cold..fine by me.

What excites you?- Car ride !!

Do you want to cut your hair? - Baru aje potong, nak kene potong lagi ke ?

Are you over the age of 25? - It's my 25th. birthday today !! ( kalau kira bulan ler )

Do you talk a lot? - Only when people don't want me to.

Do you watch the O.C ? - Sponge Bob tau ler..

Do you anyone name Steven? - Nope.

Are you a jealous person ? Yes, especially if it's someone yang ngendeng kat mama ( Abah, this means you !! )

Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘A’. - Abang ( sebelah rumah )

Name a friend whose name starts with the letter K ? - Kakak ( sebelah rumah )

‘Who’s the first person on your received call list? - Sorry, my cell takde received call lists.

What does the last text message you received say? - See above.

Do you chew on your straw? - Never get the chance.

Do you have curly hair? - So far, masih teknik rebonding lagi.

Where’s the next place that you’re going to? - Rumah tok penang !! ( esok baru leh pi..sob..sob..)

Who’s the rudest person in your life? - Mana ader.

What was the last thing you ate? - Bubur nasik. Bile le nak dapat mushroom soup lagi.

Will you get married in the future? - I certainly hope so !!

What’s the best movie you have seen in two weeks? - After the cicakman incident, I have yet to be in a cinema.

Is there anyone you like right now? - Smua orang !!

When was the last time you did the dishes? - I don't even wash myself, do you expect to answer this question ?

Are you currently depressed? - Nope.

Did you cry today? - What do you think ?

Why do you answer and post this? - Abah suruh


At 11:15 AM, Blogger anom said...

Finally ada jugak update dari blog adi ni na.. Adi, habaq kat abah suruh update blog kerap sikit.. Kalau boleh letak skali gambar adi..

At 5:47 PM, Blogger JiNbOtAk said...

Bukan takmo letak gambaq adi, tapi memandangkan kami takdak digital cam, terpaksa la bergantung kat our sisstas..

At 8:45 PM, Blogger Mior Azhar said...

Tu dia, lamanya tak de update. Lepas ni jgn le pulak kena tunggu next year pulak.
Hmm, Adi tidoq and tidoq lagi. Ayah Ngah rasa la... ikut sapa ler tu


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